Anniversary or Wedding Cookie Gift - 6 Gourmet Cookies
Anniversary or Wedding Cookie Gift - 6 Gourmet Cookies

Anniversary or Wedding Cookie Gift - 6 Gourmet Cookies

Your Price:$47.95
Part Number:T5CG
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Anniversary or Wedding Cookie Gift - 6 Gourmet Cookies

Our Bride and Groom gift is simple yet elegant! Each of our tote bags is handmade in the USA and requires an attention to detail in making everything just right. Why not mark a special anniversary with this unique tote bag. Paper is the traditional one year anniversary gift so this bag will work for that also. Although not specifically paper but custom poster board stock, it will still take care of the requirement! We have also created some unique table centerpieces with this item and they were truly a big hit! Order now and mark that special day with our Bride and Groom tote bag!

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